You have 2 days from the moment you have possession of the goods to return them.
- from the moment you take physical possession of the goods, within 2 days you must inform us about the return, write a message:, send photos proving that the goods are not damaged and provide all details for a transfer to the account to which you want to return the money.
- Feedback from Sara, Justyna Licznerska
From the moment you inform us by e-mail about your wish to return the product,
the seller assesses within 7 days, on the basis of previously sent photos,
if the goods are not damaged and informs about the possibility of return and gives the address for shipment in the message.
If the goods are damaged by the customer, the return cannot be made.
The cost of return for shipping is borne by the buyer.
- Refund
After the physical receipt of goods by the seller, the company Sara, Justyna Licznerska
is obliged to return the money to the bank account number given in the e-mail within 7 days.