Terms and conditions of the online store




The Sara Internet store available at the address www.sara.net.pl is operated by Justyna Licznerska conducting business activity under the name 'Sara' Justyna Licznerska, registered in the Central Register of Business Activity and Information (CEIDG) maintained by the competent minister for economy, NIP 5542578620, REGON 388151793 hereinafter referred to as the 'Shop'.


These Regulations are addressed both to Consumers and Entrepreneurs using the Shop and defines the principles of use of the Online Store and the principles and procedure for concluding remote sales agreements with the Customer through the Store.


§1 Definitions


  1. Consumer - a natural person entering into an agreement with the Seller under the Shop, whose object is not directly related to his business or professional activities.
  2. Seller - a natural person conducting business activity under the name of "Sara" Justyna Licznerska, in Osielsko, Kolonia Street 22, postal code 86-031, registered in the Central Register of Business Activity and Information (CEIDG) maintained by the competent minister for economy, NIP 5542578620, REGON 388151793
  3. User:
  4. a) a natural person with full legal capacity, and in cases provided for by generally applicable law, also a natural person with limited legal capacity,
  5. b) legal person,
  6. c) an organizational unit without legal personality, which is granted legal capacity by the law

      legal capacity,

      - which uses the www.sara.net.pl website.


  1. Customer:
  2. a natural person with full legal capacity, and in cases provided by generally applicable laws, also a natural person with limited legal capacity,
  3. legal person
  4. an organizational unit without legal personality, which is granted legal capacity by the law,
    • who has concluded or intends to conclude a Sales Agreement with the Seller, as well as who uses or intends to use a Service or an electronic Service.


  1. Entrepreneur - a natural person conducting a business on his own behalf, a legal person and an organizational unit without legal personality, which is granted legal capacity by law, conducting business.
  2. Distance contract - an agreement concluded with a customer within an organized system of distance contracting (within the Shop), without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties with the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication until the conclusion of the contract.
  3. Regulations - these Regulations of the Store.
  4. Order - a declaration of will made by the Customer using the Order Form and aimed directly at concluding a Sales Agreement for a Product or Products with the Seller.
  5. Account - created by the Customer, it contains the data provided by the Customer and information about his/her orders placed in the Store.
  6. Registration form - electronic service, form available in the Store that allows the creation of a Customer Account.
  7. Contact form - an interactive form available in the Store that allows Customers to contact the Seller.
  8. Order form - an interactive form available in the Store that enables the placement of an Order, in particular by adding Products to a Basket and determining the terms of the Sales Agreement, including the method of delivery and payment.
  9. Basket - an element of the Store's software in which the Products selected by the Customer for purchase are visible, as well as the possibility of determining and modifying the Order's data, in particular the number of products.
  10. Merchandise - a product, available in the Store, movable thing that the Customer buys via an online store from the Seller.
  11. Contract of sale - a contract of sale of a Product concluded or concluded between the Client and the Seller via the Online Store.
  12. Electronic service - service provided electronically by the Seller to the Client via the Online Shop.
  13. Business day - one day from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.
  14. Personal data administrator - the Seller.
  15. Consumer Rights Act - the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws item 827, as amended).
  16. Civil Code - the Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (Journal of Laws No. 16, item 93, as amended), hereinafter also referred to as the Civil Code.


§2 General Provisions


  1. The Regulations are available on the website www.sara.net.pl. in a manner allowing each User to obtain, reproduce and preserve its content by printing or saving on a carrier at any time.
  2. The Customer undertakes to use the Online Store and services offered by the Seller through it, while respecting the laws of the Republic of Poland and the conditions provided in these Terms, with respect for the principles of social intercourse, taking into account respect for personal property and copyright and intellectual property rights of the Seller and third parties.
  3. The administrator of personal data that are processed in connection with the provisions of these Regulations is the Seller.
  4. Personal data are processed for the purposes, scope and on the basis of the principles that are indicated in the Privacy Policy continuously available on the website of the Store.
  5. Consent forms, so-called checkboxes, which concern Customers' personal data are available in a visible place in the Store during the purchase process, to be accepted by the Customer each time. Customers have the opportunity at any time to update, modify and withdraw consent to the processing of their personal data, which were made available to the Seller.
  6. Customer agrees to the collection, storage and processing of personal data by the Seller for purposes directly related to the implementation of the service or goods ordered at the Online Store. Detailed conditions of collecting, processing and protection of personal data by the Seller have been specified in the Online Store's Privacy Policy.
  7. Goods can be purchased only by the Customer, who has his residence or place of residence in the Republic of Poland.
  8. All information contained in the Seller's Online Store, relating to the Goods and Services (including descriptions, prices of Goods), do not constitute an offer within the meaning of Article 66 of the Civil Code, but an invitation to conclude an agreement, as specified in Article 71 of the Civil Code.
  9. Use of the Online Store means any action of the User, which leads to the User getting acquainted with any content located on the website of the Online Store.
  10. In order to protect and ensure the protection of electronic transmission, as well as digital content, the Seller implements and uses appropriate technical and organizational measures. In order to protect and minimize the risks that may arise from the use of the Internet, the Customer should apply appropriate technical safeguards.
  11. The use by the Customer / User of the Online Store means any action by the Customer that leads to his / her familiarization with all the content that is posted on the Store's website.
  12. Online Store has the right to organize occasional contests and promotions, the terms of which will be given each time on the website of the Online Store.
  13. Goods promotions organized via the Online Store are not combinable, unless the rules of a particular promotion states otherwise.


§3 Contact with the Store



  1. Seller's address: Kolonia St. 22, 86-031 Jarużyn
  2. e-mail address of the Seller: info@sara.net.pl
  3. Seller's phone number: 661 433 385
  4. Seller's bank account number: ..................................
  5. The Client can communicate with the Seller using the addresses and telephone numbers given in this paragraph.
  6. The Client may communicate with the Seller by phone from 9:00 to 17:00 hours.


§4 Technical Requirements


To use the Store, including browsing the Store's range and placing orders for Products you need:


  1. computer, laptop or other multimedia device with Internet access,
  2. access to electronic mail,
  3. cookie-capable web browser (Mozilla Firefox version 17.0 and above, Internet Explorer version 10.0 and above, Opera version 12.0 and above, Google Chrome version 23.0 and above, Safari version 5.0 and above, Microsoft Edge version 25.10586.0.0 and above),
  4. recommended minimum screen resolution: 1024x768,
  5. enable Javascript and Cookies in your web browser.


§5 General Information


  1. The Seller to the fullest extent permitted by law is not responsible for malfunctions, including interruptions in Store operations caused by force majeure, unauthorized operation of third parties or incompatibility of the Online Store with the Client's technical infrastructure.
  2. Viewing the Store product range does not require an account. Placing orders by customers for products in the Store's range is possible either after creating an Account in accordance with the provisions of § 6 of the Rules and Regulations or in the "shopping without registration" option (or equivalent).
  3. Access to certain functionalities of the website may require prior registration by the Customer and login each time. Using available functionalities of the website is voluntary.
  4. All prices listed on the website of the Online Store are given in PLN and EURO and are gross prices (including VAT, customs duties and other contributions). Prices do not include shipping costs.
  5. The final (final) amount to be paid by the Customer consists of the price of the goods and the cost of delivery (including charges for transport, delivery and postal services), of which the Customer is informed on the pages of the Store when placing an Order, including at the moment of expressing willingness to be bound by the Sales Agreement. If the nature of the subject of the Agreement does not allow in advance to calculate the final (final) price, information about how the price will be calculated, as well as fees for transport, delivery, postal services and other costs will be given in the Shop in the description of the Goods.
  6. Customer shall bear the fees associated with Internet access and data transmission in accordance with the tariff of its Internet service provider.
  7. Customer is responsible for the authenticity and completeness of the data provided by him, which are necessary for the implementation of the Sales Agreement.
  8. Seller provides via the Online Store the following electronic services: Customer Account, Contact Form, Order Form, which are voluntary and free of charge.
  9. Complaints related to the provision of electronic services by the Seller and other complaints that are related to the operation of the Online Store (excluding the mode of complaint about Goods) can be submitted by the Client in particular: in writing or by e-mail to the e-mail address indicated in § 3 of the Terms and Conditions. It is also recommended to provide by the Client in the complaint information (which will be helpful to the Seller in the course of complaint handling and may speed up the complaint process): circumstances relating to the subject of the complaint and the appearance of possible defects, e.g. type and date of occurrence of the defect, specification of Client's request, contact details of the Seller with the person submitting the complaint/Client. Provided recommendations are not mandatory and do not affect the effectiveness of the consideration of a given complaint.
  10. In relation to the complaint, the Seller takes a position immediately, but no later than within 14 calendar days from the date of filing.
  11. The right to withdraw from the contract for the provision of services by electronic means shall be the Customer who is the Consumer on the terms provided in the Regulations.
  12. The right to withdraw from the contract for the provision of services by electronic means shall be the Customer, for whose benefit the Seller provides services that are continuous and without expiration date, without giving reasons with immediate effect. In order to exercise this right, the Customer sends in writing or via e-mail to the e-mail address: info@sara.net.pl, an unambiguous statement of termination of the contract for the provision of services by electronic means.
  13. The Seller reserves the right to terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services of a continuous and unlimited duration with 14 days notice in case of breach by the Customer of the provisions of the Regulations by submitting a written statement to the Consumer and the Entrepreneur by e-mail to the designated e-mail address.


§6 Creating an Account in the Store


  1. To create an Account comes through completing the Registration Form. It is necessary to provide the following data: e-mail address (e-mail address), as well as a password consisting of the minimum number of characters indicated in the displayed message.
  2. Additional data that can be completed in the administrative panel of the Account will be used to place an order in the Store when completing the order form.
  3. Setting up an Account in the Store is free.
  4. The requirement for registration and setting up an Account is that the User or the Customer agrees to the content of the Regulations and Privacy Policy and to provide personal data indicated in the Registration Form.
  5. In order to log into an Account the Customer must provide a login and password - established in the Registration Form during its creation. After logging into your Account, the Customer has the ability to edit the data entered by them and view the history of orders.
  6. The customer, without giving any reason and without incurring any fees on this account has the right at any time to delete your Account. This occurs by sending the appropriate request to the Seller, in particular by e-mail, in writing to the addresses that are indicated in § 3 of the Terms and Conditions or directly in the administrative panel of the Account by the Customer.
  7. Customer who has an Account at the Seller's Store, resigning and removing this Account, has the right to request the Seller to permanently remove their personal data from Seller's databases within the Store.


§8 Contact Form


  1. The contract for the provision of electronic services Contact form is concluded for a definite period of time at the moment of accession by the Customer to its completion and shall be terminated upon withdrawal from completing the form or upon submission of the completed form and response by the Seller.
  2. The Service allows the Customer to contact the Seller through an interactive form.
  3. Use of the Contact Form Service is possible by clicking the "Contact" and "Homepage" tabs, providing a valid e-mail address and filling out the message and clicking "Send".


§9 Rules for placing an Order


  1. The contract for the provision of electronic services that allows the Customer to place an Order via an interactive form, hereinafter referred to as the "Order Form" is concluded for a definite period of time when the first Goods are added by the Customer to an electronic shopping cart in the Online Store, and terminates at the moment of withdrawal from completing the Order Form or at the moment of sending a completed Order Form to the Seller and placing an Order by the Customer by clicking the "Buy and pay" button (or equivalent).
  2. The process of filling in the Order Form is organized in such a way that each Consumer has the opportunity to review it before deciding to conclude the Agreement or to amend the Agreement.
  3. Orders through the Store can be placed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  4. In order to place an order must:
  5. a) log in to the Store (optional),
  6. b) choose the Goods that are the subject of the Order, and then click the button "Add to cart" (or equivalent),
  7. c) log in or use the possibility of placing an Order without registration,
  8. d) if the possibility of placing an Order without registration has been selected - fill in the Order Form by providing the following data: name and surname, address (street, house number, apartment number, postal code, city), e-mail address, cell phone number and data regarding the concluded Sales Agreement: Goods, quantity, place of delivery of the Goods, method of payment for the Goods. Customers who are Entrepreneurs and Consumers who wish to obtain an invoice, should also provide: the name of the company under which they operate and their NIP number,
  9. e) click the "Buy and pay" button (or equivalent) and confirm the order by clicking on the link sent in the e-mail,
  10. f) choose one of the available payment methods and, depending on the payment method, pay for the order within a specified time, subject to § 10 point 3 of the Terms and Conditions.


  1. Filling out the Order Form with data and pressing the "Buy and pay" button (or equivalent) is tantamount to placing an order by the Customer and has the legal effects of the conclusion of a contract of sale under the applicable provisions of law on the conclusion of contracts of sale at a distance or off-premises.
  2. Placing an order is possible after providing the necessary personal data, as well as acceptance of the Terms and Conditions, confirmation of reading the instructions on withdrawal from the contract and clicking the button referred to below.
  3. The customer to the moment of clicking "Buy and pay" (or equivalent) can independently modify the Order.


§10 Delivery and payment methods offered


  1. The Customer may use the following methods of delivery or collection of the ordered Product:
  2. Courier delivery,
  3. Personal collection available at: ...................

4 The Customer may use the following methods of payment:

  1. Payment on delivery,
  2. Payment by bank transfer to the account of the Seller,
  3. Electronic payment` PayNow,
  4. Payment by credit card.
  5. Detailed information about the delivery methods and acceptable methods of payment can be found on the pages of the Store.


§11 Performance of the sales contract


  1. The conclusion of the Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Seller takes place after prior submission by the Customer of an Order using the Order Form at the Online Store in accordance with § 9 of the Terms and Conditions.
  2. Immediately after receiving the Order, the Seller sends to the Client via e-mail to the address provided during the ordering process a statement of acceptance of the Order, which also constitutes its confirmation. At the moment of receipt of e-mail by the Customer comes to the conclusion of the Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Seller.
  3. The message summarizing and confirming the Order contains all previously agreed conditions of the sales contract, in particular the quantity and type of ordered Goods, total price to be paid, together with delivery costs and the amount of granted discounts (if applicable).
  4. If the Customer chooses:
  5. a) payment by bank transfer, electronic payment or payment card- the Customer is obliged to make payment within 5 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the Sales Agreement- otherwise the order will be cancelled,
  6. b) payment on delivery - the Customer is obliged to make payment on delivery,
  7. c) payment in cash on delivery - the Client is obliged to make payment on delivery of the Goods in person.


  1. Order processing time is directly influenced by the choice of supplier, made by the Customer while placing the order.
  2. The lead time is from 4 to 10 working days. Unless in the description of the Goods or during placing the Order other term has been specified.
  3. If the Customer has chosen a method of delivery other than personal collection, the Goods shall be dispatched by the Seller within the time limit indicated in their description (subject to sec. 9 of this paragraph), in the manner selected by the Customer when placing the Order.
  4. When ordering Goods with different delivery dates, the delivery date is the longest specified date.
  5. the beginning of the period for delivery of Goods to the Customer is calculated as follows:
  6. when the Client chooses a method of payment by bank transfer, electronic payment or payment card - from the date of crediting the Seller's bank account,
  7. in case of choosing by the Client a method of payment on delivery - from the date of conclusion of the Sales Agreement.
  8. In case of choosing by the Client personal collection of the Goods, the Goods shall be ready for collection by the Client on the date indicated in the description of the Goods. The exact date of delivery of the Goods shall be determined individually with the Client and confirmed by the Seller through a message sent to the e-mail address of the Client provided during the placement of the Order.
  9. In the case of exceptional circumstances or impossibility of realization of the order within the time indicated to the Client, the Seller shall immediately contact the Client to determine the further course of action, including determination of another date of execution of the order, change of the method of delivery.
  10. Goods issued to the supplier are properly packed to ensure protection against damage during transport.
  11. Delivery of Goods takes place in the European Union.
  12. Delivery of Goods to the Customer is chargeable, unless the Sales Agreement provides otherwise. Costs of delivery of the Goods (including fees for transport, delivery and postal services) are indicated to the Client on the pages of the Online Store under the "Delivery Costs" tab and during placing the Order, including also at the moment of expressing by the Client the will to be bound by the Sales Agreement.
  13. Personal collection of the Product by the Customer is free of charge.






§12 Right of withdrawal


  1. The Customer who is a Consumer has the right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement concluded remotely.
  2. The Consumer may within 14 days withdraw from the Sales Agreement without giving any reason.
  3. The period specified in paragraph 2 shall begin from the delivery of the Product to the Consumer or a person designated by him other than the carrier.
  4. In the case of an Agreement that involves multiple Goods that are delivered separately, in lots or in parts, the period indicated in paragraph 2 shall run from the delivery of the last item, lot or part.
  5. In the case of a contract that involves the regular supply of goods for a specified period (subscription), the time limit indicated in paragraph 2 shall run from taking possession of the first item.
  6. The Consumer may withdraw from the Agreement by submitting to the Seller a statement of withdrawal from the Agreement. To meet the deadline for withdrawal from the Agreement it is sufficient for the Consumer to send a statement before the deadline in writing or electronically to the address specified in § 3 of the Terms and Conditions. Model withdrawal form is attached as Attachment No. 1 to the Shop Regulations, but its use is not mandatory.
  7. Effects of withdrawal from the Agreement:
  8. in the case of withdrawal from the Agreement concluded remotely the Agreement is considered as not concluded,
  9. in the case of withdrawal from the Agreement the Seller returns to the Consumer immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer's declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement, all payments made by him, including the costs of delivery of items with the exception of additional costs arising from the chosen by the Consumer way of delivery other than the cheapest ordinary way of delivery offered by the Seller,
  10. Reimbursement of payments the Seller will make using the same methods of payment that were used by the Consumer in the original transaction, unless the Consumer has explicitly agreed to another solution, which will not be associated with any costs to him,
  11. The Seller may withhold the reimbursement until it receives the Product back or until it provides him with proof of its return, depending on which event occurs first,
  12. The Consumer should send back the Goods to the Seller's address given in these Regulations immediately, no later than 14 days from the date on which he informed the Seller about withdrawal from the Agreement. The deadline is met if the Consumer sends the Goods before the expiry of the 14-day period,
  13. The Consumer shall bear the direct costs of returning the Goods, including the costs of returning the Goods, if due to its nature the Goods could not be returned in the usual way by post,
  14. The Consumer shall be liable only for diminished value of the Product resulting from the use of the Product in a manner other than it was necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product.
  15. In the event that due to the nature of the Product can not be sent back in the normal course by mail, information about this, and the cost of returning the Product will be located in the Product description in the Store.
  16. The right to withdraw from the contract concluded at a distance does not apply to the Consumer in relation to the Agreement:
  17. for the provision of services, if the Seller has fully performed the service with the express consent of the consumer, who has been informed before the start of performance, that after the fulfillment of performance by the Seller will lose the right to withdraw from the contract,
  18. in which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market, over which the Seller has no control, and which may occur before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract,
  19. in which the subject of performance is the Product not prefabricated, produced to consumer specification or used to meet his individual needs,
  20. in which the subject of the performance is a product that deteriorates quickly or has a short period of usefulness,
  21. in which the subject of the performance is the Product delivered in a sealed package that cannot be returned after opening the package due to health protection or hygiene reasons, if the package has been opened after delivery,


  1. in which the subject matter of the performance are Products, which after the delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably connected with other things,
  2. in which the subject of performance are alcoholic beverages, the price of which has been agreed upon at the conclusion of the Sales Agreement, and the delivery of which may take place only after 30 days and the value of which depends on market fluctuations, over which the Seller has no control,
  3. in which the consumer expressly requested that the Seller came to him in order to perform urgent repair or maintenance; if the Seller provides in addition other services than those, the performance of which the consumer requested, or provides Products other than spare parts necessary for the performance of repair or maintenance, the right of withdrawal is granted to the consumer in relation to additional services or Products,
  4. in which the subject of the supply are sound or visual recordings or computer programs supplied in sealed packaging, if the packaging has been opened after delivery,
  5. supply of newspapers, periodicals or magazines, except for a subscription agreement,
  6. concluded by way of a public auction,
  7. provision of services in the field of accommodation, other than for residential purposes, transportation of goods, car rental, catering, services related to leisure, entertainment, sports or cultural events, if the contract specifies the day or period of service,
  8. supply of digital content which is not recorded on a tangible medium, if the provision of services has begun with the consumer's express consent before the end of the period for withdrawal from the contract and after the Seller has informed him about the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract.


§13 Complaints and warranty


  1. The Sales Agreement applies to new Products.
  2. The Seller is liable to the Buyer if the sold thing has a physical or legal defect. The basis and scope of the Seller's liability towards the Buyer in a situation when the sold Goods have a physical or legal defect have been established by generally applicable law, including the Civil Code. (in particular, in Article 556-576 of the Civil Code).
  3. The Seller is responsible to the Customer under the warranty for physical defects (a physical defect consists in non-compliance of the sold thing with the agreement) and for legal defects.
  4. Claims can be submitted for example in writing or electronically to the address indicated in § 3 of the Terms and Conditions.
  5. The Seller will respond to customer complaints immediately, but no later than within 14 calendar days from the date of filing. Failure of the Seller to respond within this period means that the Seller considered the complaint as justified.
  6. it is recommended that the Customer provide the following information in the complaint (which will be helpful to the Seller in the course of complaint handling and may speed up the complaint process):
  7. circumstances concerning the subject of the complaint - the Goods and the appearance of possible defects, e.g. the type and date of occurrence of the defect,
  8. specification of the Client's demand (demand of the method of bringing the Goods into conformity with the Sales Agreement or submission of a declaration of price reduction or withdrawal from the Sales Agreement),
  9. data for contact of the Seller with the person submitting a complaint/Client.
  10. Provided recommendations are not mandatory and do not affect the effectiveness of the processing of a complaint. Complaint form is attached as Appendix 2 to the Rules of the Shop.
  11. The Client, who exercises the rights under warranty, should deliver defective Goods to the address of the registered office of the Seller, indicated in § 3 of the Regulations. If, for example, due to the nature of the Goods the delivery by the Client would be unduly difficult, the Client shall be obliged to make the Goods available to the Seller at the place where they are located.
  12. In case of defects in goods purchased from the Seller, the Customer has the right to make a claim under the warranty provisions of the Civil Code. If the Client is an Entrepreneur, the parties exclude liability under warranty.

If the Goods has a warranty, information about it, as well as its content, will be included in the description of the Goods in the Store.


§14 Out-of-court ways of dealing with complaints and making claims


  1. Detailed information about the possibility of out-of-court complaint and claim procedure by the Consumer and the rules of access to these procedures are available at the headquarters and on the websites of district (city) consumer advocates, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, Regional Inspectorates of Trade Inspection and the following website addresses of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection:







  1. The Customer is also entitled to use the EU online platform, which is an interactive dispute resolution model, the so-called ODR Platform available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
  2. The Customer who is a Consumer has the opportunity to use out-of-court dispute resolution methods, including:
  3. submission of a request for resolution of a dispute arising from the concluded Contract of Sale to a permanent arbitration court for consumers, referred to in Article 37 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on Trade Inspection (Journal of Laws No. 4, item 25, as amended), the rules of organisation and operation of permanent arbitration courts for consumers are laid down in the Regulation of the Minister of Justice of 25 September 2001 on the rules of organisation and operation of permanent arbitration courts for consumers. (Journal of Laws No. 113, item 1214, as amended),
  4. to apply to the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection to initiate mediation proceedings for an amicable settlement of the dispute between the Customer and the Seller,
  5. Use the assistance of district (city) consumer advocate or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection (e.g. Consumer Federation),
  6. use of electronic means to resolve disputes with the Seller through the EU platform available at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.show&lng=PL.


§15 Personal data in the Internet Shop


  1. The administrator of Customers' personal data collected via the Online Store is the Seller. Personal data are processed for the purposes, to the extent and on the basis of the principles indicated in the Privacy Policy available on the website of the Seller.
  2. Customer personal data collected by the administrator via the Online Store are collected for the purpose of implementation of the Sales Agreement, and if the Customer agrees - also for marketing purposes.
  3. Recipients of personal data of the Customers of the Online Store can be:
  4. in the case of a Customer who uses the delivery method in the Online Store by mail or by courier, the Administrator shall make the collected personal data of the Customer available to the chosen carrier or agent performing the shipment on behalf of the Administrator,
  5. in case of a client who uses online payment method or credit card payment method, the Administrator shall make available collected personal data of the client to a chosen entity handling the aforementioned payments in the Online Store.
  6. Seller declares that it respects all rules for the protection of personal data of customers provided by law.
  7. Providing personal data is voluntary. Any person whose personal data are processed by the Seller has the right to inspect their content and the right to update, correct, request removal of data, as well as to transfer them to another entity.
  8. Customer declares that he agrees to the collection, storage and processing of personal data by the Seller for purposes directly related to the implementation of the service or goods ordered in the Online Store.
  9. Providing personal data is voluntary, although failure to provide the personal data indicated in the Rules and Regulations necessary to conclude a Sales Agreement results in inability to conclude this agreement.


§16 Final Provisions


  1. Contracts are concluded in Polish through the Online Store.
  2. Seller reserves the right to make changes to the Terms and Conditions for important reasons, such as changes in laws, changes in methods of payment and delivery - to the extent that these changes affect the implementation of these Regulations. The Seller will inform the Customer about each change at least 14 days in advance.
  3. In the case of conclusion of contracts on the basis of the Regulations other than continuous (such as sales contract), changes to the Regulations shall in no way affect the acquired rights of Customers who are Consumers before the effective date of changes to the Regulations (including: changes to the Regulations shall not affect submitted or placed Orders and sales contracts concluded, performed or executed).
  4. In a situation where amendments to the Regulations would result in the introduction of new fees or increase the current fees, the Customer who is the Consumer may exercise the right to withdraw from the contract. In matters not covered by these Regulations shall apply universally applicable provisions of Polish law, in particular: Civil Code; Act on providing services by electronic means; Act on consumer rights, Act on personal data protection.
  5. Addenda to the Regulations are an integral part of it.
  6. Regulations enter into force on 01.06.2022r.